Save The Turtles




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Take Some Tips

Hover your mouse over the squares to discover the tip below!

Throw out your trash out accordingly into its correct waste basket instead of littering!(1)

Cut up your plastic soda rings before recycling them.Otherwise, many animals will be in risk of chocking, and possibly dying.(1)

Minimize the use of single-use plastics.(1)

DON'T use plastic straws! Straws that linger in the ocean are then consumed by aquatic animals.Many straws have also been found to get stuck up the noses of turtles.Instead, you can use metal straws, or no straws at all! (1)

Avoid microbeads! Microbeads contain microplastics that are toxic. Not only are microbeads bad for the environment, marine animals can swallow them, which can eventually kill them. Here's a link of toiletries that DON'T include microbeads!(2)

Not only should you not litter, you should also pick up litter! Be the bigger person; the earth will thank you for it.(2)

Reduce energy use, for carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is making our oceans more acidic. (2)

Exercise your right to vote by voting for representatives that will better environmental policies.(2)

Donate! There are many non-profit organizations that only have one goal: to help sustain our oceans.

Check out our How To Help page for more info! (3)

DON'T throw your batteries away in the trash because the mercury from the batter will leak into the ocean, thus polluting it. So make sure your batteries are recycled, or taken to a household hazardous waste disposal facility!(3)

Support in community servise beach clean-ups, or organize your own community clean-up! Check out our How To Help page for more info!(4)

Make sure to support organizations that are eco-friendly!(4)

Stop buying water. Instead by a reusable water bottle that you can carry around with you which you can re-fill for free!(4)

Instead of using a a plastic/single-use bag for your groceries, buy a reusable tote bag. You can save the environment, while looking fashion forward!(4)

SPREAD THE WORD!!! Some poeple don't know about the issue that is ocean pollution, so doing something as little as mantioning the problem can be very effective. (4)

(1), (2), (3), (4)